July 10-24, 2020
Youngstown/ Spišská Nová Ves Sister Cities Heritage Tour of Slovakia

If you would like to be a King, Queen, Prince or Princess for four days, then come join Kay and Jim Bench on our 22nd Youngstown/ Spišská Nová Ves Sister Cities Tour of Slovakia from July 10-24, 2020. We will spend the first two days of the tour and the last two days in castles that have been made into hotels. Never before have we done this! For a sneak preview of these castles you can visit the websites of Palace Art Hotel Pezinok at https://www.palacearthotel.sk/sk/ and the Grand Vígľaš at https://grandviglas.com/. Both castles are breathtakingly beautiful.

We will be flying from Pittsburgh, PA, to Newark NJ, and then non-stop to Vienna Austria. Our 49–passenger, air-conditioned bus with a rest room will be awaiting us along with our guide Viera and bus driver Arnie.

Talk with the oldest living relative you have and find out where their ancestral village is located. Walk the streets of your ancestral home and visit with relatives.

Castles, churches, kolibas, tour of Vienna, folk performances, rafting on the Dunajec, visiting caves, boating in a cave, visit Hungary for lunch, shop in Poland, see the beauty of the Tatras, see where Janošik (the Slovak Robin Hood) was born, visit Litmanová, Čičmany, Červený Kameň, Marianska Hora, and many other places too numerous to mention. Get your walking shoes out as we will be walking all over Slovakia.

Space is limited so book your slot now. First come, first served.

Total Costs (Air fare and Land Arrangements):
$4,469 per person from Newark (airfare included $1969)
$4,269 per person from Pittsburgh (airfare included $1769)

Adventure international Travel Service Paul Hudak Ph: 216-228-7171; 800 542-2487
Jim and Kay Bench 428 W. 4th Ave Derry, Pa 15627 Cell phones Jim 724-858-5843 Kay 724-771-7900 or e-mail jmbench@yahoo.com or skbench@gmail.com

We are waiting for your call!
