OĽaNO zvíťazilo, v parlamente by malo 53 kresiel, PS/Spolu mimo NR SR Tesne pred bránami parlamentu ostala koalícia PS-Spolu, ktorej sa len tesne nepodarilo získať sedem percent hlasov, celkovo dostala 6,94 percenta

Bratislava 1. marca (TASR) – Po sčítaní všetkých okrskov na Slovensku by malo byť víťazom parlamentných volieb hnutie OĽaNO, ktorému sa podarilo získať 25,02 percenta hlasov. Za ním skončila strana Smer-SD s 18,30 percenta hlasov a hnutie Sme rodina s 8,24 percenta hlasov. Vyplýva to z priebežných neoficiálnych výsledkov zverejnených Štatistickým úradom (ŠÚ) SR. Volebná účasť dosiahla 65,79 percenta.

Do parlamentu by sa mala dostať aj ĽSNS so 7,98 percenta hlasov, strana SaS so 6,20 percenta hlasov a strana Za ľudí s 5,76 percenta hlasov.

Tesne pred bránami parlamentu ostala koalícia PS-Spolu, ktorej sa len tesne nepodarilo získať sedem percent hlasov, celkovo dostala 6,94 percenta. Neuspelo ani KDH, ktoré získalo 4,65 percenta hlasov.

Do parlamentu sa nedostane Maďarská komunitná spolupatričnosť so ziskom 3,92 percenta hlasov, SNS so ziskom 3,16 percenta, strana Dobrá voľba, ktorá získala 3,06 percenta ani strana Vlasť so ziskom 2,92 percenta. Neuspela ani strana Most-Híd so ziskom 2,06 percenta hlasov.

Celkovo sa podarilo Matovičovi získať od voličov najviac preferenčných krúžkov, a to 495.126. Za ním najviac hlasov získal Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), a to 411.254 a predseda Smeru-SD Robert Fico konkrétne 242.098. Päticu kandidátov, ktorí získali najviac krúžkov, uzatvára predseda ĽSNS Marian Kotleba a líder hnutia Sme rodina Boris Kollár.

Official: OLaNO Wins Slovakia’s General Election on 25 percent

Bratislava, March 1 (TASR) – The OLaNO Opposition party of Igor Matovic won the general election on Saturday on 25.02 percent of the votes, gaining 53 seats in the 150-member House, ahead of the current main governing party Smer-SD on 18.29 percent (38 seats), according to official election results announced by the State Electoral Commission on Sunday.

Other seats in Parliament will be taken up by We Are Family (8.24 percent – 17 seats), the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (7.97 percent – 17 seats), Freedom and Solidarity (6.22 percent – 13 seats) and For the People (5.77 percent – 12 seats).

The Progressive Slovakia-Together liberal coalition, which produced President Zuzana Caputova last year, hasn’t made it into Parliament, somewhat surprisingly, as it received a mere 6.96 percent, while it needed at least 7 percent as a coalition of two parties. The threshold for single parties was 5 percent. Other notable parties also fell short, including the Christian Democrats (4.65 percent), Hungarian Community Solidarity (3.9 percent), and two co-ruling parties – the Slovak National Party (3.16 percent) and Most-Hid (2.05 percent).

The turnout reached 65.80 percent.
impulsively, willing to invest more money due to the election. “After reflecting these data on the whole Slovak airline ticket market, these are thousands of people,” said Pelikan PR manager Jozef Rybar.

Rybar noted there’s need to consider the fact that contrary to the presidential election, Slovaks are able to vote by mail in the general election. “Therefore, Slovaks’ current demand for airline tickets is enormous and definitely a record-high in the history of the elections in Slovakia,” he said.

According to Pelikan’s data, Slovaks are returning home to vote in the election chiefly from Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium. These are countries where a considerable number of Slovaks have been working or studying.

Pelikan analysts filtered out as many as possible external influences from election statistics, including the general growth in the number of passengers in air transport, currently decreased interest in travelling due to coronavirus spread, new flight lines and clearance sales of tickets by airline companies.