FCSU Challenge Cup Visits Fayette County

Since its inception and approval in early 2019, the FCSU Challenge Cup has represented and encouraged friendly competition among members throughout our great Society.
Overall winners of any FCSU Contest have their names placed on the FCSU Challenge Cup. Points are awarded to each Region based on how their members finish in each of the FCSU fraternal events in a given calendar year. Then, at the end of each calendar year, the Region with the highest point total for all the FCSU contests has their Region’s number placed on the Cup, and the winning Region wins three weeks with the Cup.

Travels with the Cup, 2020 Style
The idea was to have the FCSU Cup travel around the country from winning Region to winning Region. The Region with the Cup would then be encouraged to take pictures with their families and fellow members, and send them into Jednota for publication.

As it happens, the first full year of the FCSU “Traveling” Challenge Cup was 2020. The year of the pandemic, with all its many shutdowns, restrictions, and regulations. So while hearty congratulations are in order to everyone who got their name placed on the Cup –let’s give an extra special thanks to the intrepid Jim Marmol, Director of the “back to back” winning Region 4 for 2019 and 2020. As his pictures show, Jim found a clever way to “travel” with the FCSU Challenge Cup, even during these unprecedented times.
I know you all will join me in congratulating all winners, including Region 4, and in saying – way to go, Jim!
Kevin Collins, National Fraternal Activities Director

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