Foreign media on vote results

The presidential election in Slovakia has been reflected in the world media, too. Besides the Washington Post, the Washington Times also noticed it, claiming that the new presidential runoff could give the Central European country its first woman president. The BBC focused more on the anti-corruption agenda of the winner of the first round, Zuzana Čaputová. “I see the message from voters as a strong call for change,” BBC quoted her on its web. German daily Die Welt informed that the human rights lawyer had won the first round, posting a question of whether this environmental activist would become the first woman President in the country. Another German daily, the Frankfurteralgemeine Zeitung, sees the runoff as influenced by the murder of the investigative journalist Ján Kuciak in February 2018. The daily also pointed to the fact that while Čapútová participated in protests against corruption during the past year, Euro official Šefčovič has greater recognition abroad than in his homeland.