Fraternalism in Action:
Branch 764 Answers the Call

 Branch 764 Answers the Call: Honoring Interred Military Vets

On the evening of June 2, 2020, in keeping with the ideals of community service, members of Branch 764 met at All Souls Cemetery in Bazetta Township in Trumbull County, Ohio to honor the military veterans interred there.

One of the branch’s officers, George Yurichek, on one of his frequent visits to the cemetery, noticed that many of the American flags marking the graves of veterans were askew, having been knocked from vertical by either high winds or possibly groundskeepers with mowers. Whatever the reason, the feeling was expressed that these flags should be straightened, especially with the July 4th holiday approaching.


The members of the branch spent several hours roaming the aisles of the cemetery, straightening the flags. The sight of hundreds of American flags standing at attention was rewarding, as was the honoring of those whose graves are adorned by those flags.

With the pandemic limiting what we can do socially within our branches, strolling in the cemetery was an acceptable substitute, and we also noted while reading the headstones a large number of deceased who’d been members of our branch.

Submitted by William Hrusovsky, Branch 764 Recording Secretary