Oh, What Fun! Region 1’s Virtual Christmas Party

On Sunday, December 13th, 2020 Region 1 members gathered in an unorthodox fashion for a Christmas party!  Branch 45, 290 and 746 members joined by Zoom video and some members dialed-in by telephone.  The online festivities began with a special Christmas prayer in both English and Slovak followed by a “Vianočný vinš” by Milan Olexa and Ludmila (Milka) Choma.  Participants showed off their “Christmas attire” sporting angel pins, Christmas sweaters, holiday bows, tropically Christmas inspired garments, and Christmas ties.  Maria Budis took home the prize for her ensemble.

Each participant shared a Christmas memory or tradition.  Some remembered their favorite Christmas Vigilia dinner dishes: “Kapustnica” (Slovak Christmas sauerkraut and mushroom soup),  “oplatky” with honey, making pierogies or Vianočné bobáľky s kapustou alebo makom.  Many shared memories of growing up in Slovakia such as feeding the farm animals before everyone sat down to Christmas Eve dinner or the laying of straw under the table.  After reminiscing, the online attendees were serenaded by soloist Andrew Pulver, who was accompanied on the piano by his mother Tanya Pulver.  Their musical selection was Gesù Bambino “The Infant Jesus” by Pietro A. Yon.

A virtual Christmas party isn’t complete without games and Christmas carol sing-a-longs!  The highly motivated group competed for prizes courtesy of Msgr. Rura District 4 of New Jersey.  The Christmas trivia game was won by Tanya Pulver though several members gained bonus points for naming all of Santa’s reindeer.  Michele MacMath and Jo’Ann Peppe were strong contenders.   Mary Ann Ranahan proved to be the quickest at the “12 Days of Christmas Scavenger hunt” though she had some sturdy competition with Dana Banas and Nancy Krall with a few points behind!  Surprise guest Buddy the Elf led the “Guess the Gift” game which was won by Mary Kapitan.  The game was especially hard as Buddy the Elf didn’t want to break his silence!  A Christmas party would not be complete without the “Big Guy” himself who rushed from the North Pole forgetting his hat!  He was quickly presented with a Jednota cap and led the group in the singing of “Jingle Bells”!

This year’s Jednota Christmas 2020 party was certainly unique, but despite the circumstances we laughed, we toasted, we shared, we wished each other Veselé Vianoce, and most importantly, we were together (virtually)!

A great big thank you to all the members that participated especially our young members — Elisabeth Banas and Kristina Mlynarova!  Special thanks go to Andrew Pulver (Branch 45) and Tanya Pulver (Branch 45) for their live performance and surprise guests Buddy the Elf, Kevin Collins (FCSU Fraternal Activities Director), and Jednota Santa, Damian Nasta (Region 2 Director). The virtual get together was organized by Region 1 Director, Sabina Sabados.

Wishing all Region 1 members a very healthy, happy and peaceful 2021!  Prajeme Vám požehnané a pokojne strávené sviatky v blízkosti tých najbližších, veľa zdravia, ktoré v týchto časoch potrebujeme asi najviac, a šťastný nový rok 2021!

  • Submitted by Sabina Sabados, Region 1 Director